MBD128-1 Marble hydro dipping film

MBD128-1 Marble hydro dipping film

USD$5/s.q.m USD$$ 3/s.q.m

SKU: MBD128-1 marble hydro dipping film Category:

Marble water transfer film has a wide range of applications in the decorative panel industry.MBD128-1 Marble hydro dipping film

Decorative panels are building materials used for interior decoration, commonly used for walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, etc., which can improve the aesthetics and durability of the room. By using water transfer printing technology to transfer the marble pattern onto the surface of the decorative panel, it can achieve a variety of decorative effects, with rich patterns and high-end atmosphere, making it a fashionable choice for modern home decoration. In addition, when using marble water transfer film, it is also necessary to consider choosing suitable materials and processes to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the decorative panel.